What Are the Best Methods to Fix Water Damage on Wood?

water damage on wood

Sometimes people may wake up one morning to find a watermark on their wooden furniture or on wooden interior parts and this may be very disappointing at times, nevertheless the respective surface may be restorable. Here are the best methods to fix water damage on wood: Here are the best methods to fix water damage on wood:

1. Assess the Damage

The first action is always the evaluation of the situation and the determination of the severity of the damage done. Check out for any discolored, warped or moldy areas you can come across. While the first degree of harm is fixable by simple rubbing and washing, the second degree of harm may need a specialist’s attention.

2. Dry the Wood

When carrying out the repairs, ensure that the wood is well dried up before any repair work is done on it. Try to blow the air by using fans or operating dehumidifiers to increase the rate of evaporation and using windows for airing. In case you found a serious water damage, you may need a wet/dry vacuum to extract as much water as possible.

3. Clean the Surface

After that the wood gets thoroughly dry, wash the infected portion with a mixture of detergent (soft soap) and water. This will assist in the wiping out of dirty residues especially the mold or the mildew that mays have developed. White vinegar combined with water is considered to be efficient in eliminating the stubborn mold. Do not forget to flush and towel the wood after washing it.

4. Sand the Damaged Area

Minor roughness of the wood surface or slight warping can also be solved by sanding wood surface. Afterwards, by using fine-grit sanding paper it is possible to sand the area, which is covered with the spillage, without taking away the wood in bulk. This step will also help wash out any spots and blotches as a result of the water damage.

5. Apply Wood Filler

Wood filler for larger cracks and holes, to achieve a perfect result, you need to carry out the following steps. Get a filler that is close in color to your wood and then spread it on with the help of a putty knife. Let the filler dry until it is hard and sand it to a smooth surface until you cannot see the difference from the rest of the woodwork.

6. Refinish the Wood

Lastly, there will be some sanding and filling to be done, this will be followed by refinishing of the wood. To match the rest of the surface, use a wood stain or paint of the same type as the finish on other parts of the furniture. Lather on a coat of sealer to the surface of the wood to tighten up the wood further against water.

7. Prevent Future Damage

Last of all, one should make arrangements to ensure that future water damages are not experienced. Make sure the house has proper air circulation, repair any dripping areas as soon as possible, and apply a protective layer on wooden parts of furniture and structures located in wet areas.


Following these methods, one can thus fix the water-damaged wooden surfaces and enhance the durability of the wooden parts. Flooring and refinishing gurus emphasize that, with patience and care, your wood can gradually and carefully become like new again.

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